If your goal is to eat less sugar, then you should not keep sweets at home.
While it seems that having candy at home helps you not to buy more, it can lead to failure in your efforts.
That's why.

Temptation Reduction
Keeping sweet treats easily accessible at home increases the temptation to indulge in them.
When sugary snacks are within reach, it becomes more challenging to resist the temptation and control your sugar intake.
Removing or limiting the availability of these treats can help reduce the temptation and make it easier to stick to your sugar reduction goals.
Mindful Eating
When sweet treats are readily available, it becomes easier to consume them mindlessly, without paying attention to portion sizes or the overall amount of sugar consumed.
By limiting their presence in your home, you encourage more mindful eating habits.
You can still enjoy sweet treats occasionally, but by making them less accessible, you'll be more intentional about when and how much you consume.
Healthier Alternatives
Stocking your pantry and fridge with nutritious alternatives like fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, or yogurt can satisfy your cravings for something sweet while providing essential nutrients and fiber.
Breaking the Habit Loop
The environment we surround ourselves with plays a significant role in shaping our habits.
If sweet treats are a regular presence in your home, it reinforces the habit of reaching for sugary snacks.
Breaking this cycle by limiting their availability can help in breaking the habit of relying on them as go-to snacks.