Salmon meat and caviar have high nutritional and taste value and are considered delicacies.
The meat is pale pink in color and has a mild, slightly sweet taste.
Salmon can be eaten lightly salted or salted. It is smoked, boiled, baked in foil and grilled, stewed, steamed.

What are the benefits of salmon
Salmon contains a large amount of useful substances that are easily and quickly absorbed by the body.
Has a healing effect on the body.
The meat of this fish contains unique fats that promote weight loss, lower cholesterol levels, and make blood vessels more elastic and strong.
These are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not synthesized in the human body. Salmon also contains a complex of vitamins - phosphorus, iodine, potassium, magnesium and zinc.
This composition makes it a universal product for improving brain function, strengthening the immune system and preventing heart disease.
In what form is salmon useful
With lightly salted and smoked fish you can prepare delicious salads, omelettes, appetizers, canapés and even spaghetti sauces.
Salmon, like many salmon, is an excellent source of protein (100 g of fish contains half the daily value).
What is the difference between salmon and salmon
There is only one difference: salmon is just one of the representatives of the salmon subfamily, and salmon is a broader concept, which includes such types of red fish as salmon, trout, coho salmon, pink salmon, etc.
That is, salmon and salmon are two names for the same fish.