Sometimes you can tell if someone is lying by nonverbal cues.
Diana Dashkevich mental health communication psychologist tips Psychology 18 August 2024Some zodiac signs can't stand even a little lie.
Diana Dashkevich horoscope useful useful tips Helpful tips 8 August 2024Pathological lies are more common than we would like. What motivates people to lie all the time?
Diana Dashkevich mental health emotions facts Psychology 2 June 2024Lying is extremely damaging to any relationship. If you lie, it affects many aspects of your relationship.
Diana Dashkevich relationship psychologist tips mental health Psychology 1 June 2024Lying allows a person to gain perceived control over a situation by manipulating it. This is a defense mechanism that a liar thinks allows him to avoid opening up and revealing his true self to another person for various reasons.
Diana Dashkevich communication relationship mental healh fun facts Psychology 4 December 2023One study describes pathological lying as lying five or more times in 24 hours, every day, for more than six months.
Diana Dashkevich mental health facts communication relationship Psychology 25 September 2023It's bad to lie to others, but it's even worse when you lie to yourself. It's not easy to notice it sometimes, so you need to keep your eyes on the most obvious signs of it to stay true to yourself.
Kate Yakimchuk confidence personality Psychology 24 September 2023Flattery is one of the most common forms of deception. Flattery usually involves exaggerating facts: “the recipient of the praise is insincere, showing more than the truth,” according to an article published in February 2018.
Diana Dashkevich personality mental health communication facts Psychology 19 September 2023Lots of people prefer to lie to themselves as long as it can protect their feelings. Understanding when a person is lying to themselves involves recognizing subtle signs of self-deception and examining their behavior and thought patterns.
Kate Yakimchuk protection personality Psychology 20 August 2023Identifying personality traits common among liars can be challenging, as dishonesty is not solely determined by personality but is influenced by various factors, including situational context and individual motivations. However, some personality traits are often associated with a higher likelihood of engaging in deceptive behavior.
Kate Yakimchuk communication personality Psychology 22 July 2023Lying is one of the most annoying things in any relationship. In this article, we will explain why people lie most often and how this can affect relationships.
Diana Dashkevich relationship communication mental health facts studies Psychology 19 July 2023