Regular cinnamon is a stimulant that can trigger the flowering of house plants. In addition, it is a very powerful antiseptic. Plant immunity will be at its best after using cinnamon. If you love homemade and safe fertilizer, then cinnamon is a must-have.
Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 14 February 2024It is most convenient to grow tomatoes of low-growing (dwarf) varieties on the windowsill, which allows you to save space and plant more bush plants. For example, cherry.
Diana Dashkevich tomatoes gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 12 February 2024The cactus thrives in poor soil and requires virtually no fertilizer. This is a plant that is easy to grow and care for. However, it is worth knowing about some features.
Diana Dashkevich houseplants plants plants tips cacti Garden 11 February 2024Within 40-45 days after planting, you will be able to harvest. In this article we will tell you the secrets of growing spinach at home.
Diana Dashkevich spinach gardening plants plants tips Garden 8 February 2024Sea buckthorn loves light and moisture, but does not like too much water.Therefore, sunny areas of the garden are chosen for its cultivation, and more frequent watering is provided to replenish the need for moisture.
Diana Dashkevich berries gardening gardening tips Garden 6 February 2024Proper planting is done in autumn or spring. The best time for planting is in the fall, before frost, and then in the spring, perhaps, it will be possible to try the first harvest.
Diana Dashkevich berries raspberries gardening gardening tips Garden 4 February 2024Lilac does not tolerate waterlogging, so you should choose a place with low groundwater (no more than 1.5 m) and good drainage. A gentle slope is perfect for planting, and in low-lying areas, lilacs are planted on a hill.
Diana Dashkevich bush gardening gardening tips Garden 2 February 2024It is better to plant especially tall bushes and trees in a well-lit sunny place, but with light shading during the hottest time of the day (from 12-00 to 14-00). Then the needles of the plants will be brighter. For low-growing and creeping species, you can choose a site in slight partial shade.
Diana Dashkevich bush gardening gardening tips Garden 30 January 2024Indoor spruce blooms and bears fruit only in natural conditions; you won’t be able to taste its edible seeds from cones at home.
Diana Dashkevich plants gardening gardening tips Garden 28 January 2024To grow yoshta, a sunny, spacious place is required: over time, the bush grows greatly.
Diana Dashkevich berries gardening gardening tips Garden 24 January 2024Plant gooseberries on a hill or plain that receives plenty of sunlight. Nevertheless, at the same time, the site must be well protected from cold winds, and the soil must have low or neutral acidity.
Diana Dashkevich berries gooseberry gardening gardening tips Garden 24 January 2024Aucuba grows well in both deep shade and bright light. It is highly not recommended to grow variegated species in shady conditions, since the same decorative pattern will disappear from the surface of the plates.
Diana Dashkevich plants gardening gardening tips Garden 23 January 2024Flowering occurs in summer, producing round inflorescences. This plant is known for its ability to change color depending on environmental conditions. It is recommended to plant Kochia in open ground in early spring, when the threat of frost has passed.
Diana Dashkevich plants gardening gardening tips Garden 18 January 2024Hosta soils need very fertile, rich in organic matter, loose, light and moist with a slightly acidic reaction (pH 6.0 - 6.5). In nature, they grow in floodplains and along the banks of streams. But they also do well on rocky soils. Therefore, this plant takes root well on an alpine hill.
Diana Dashkevich plants gardening flowers gardening tips Garden 17 January 2024The root system is weak, so it is better to choose shallow and wide pots. It is not picky about the substrate; store-bought soil for palm trees or other decorative foliage plants is suitable. Good soil aeration is needed, so drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot.
Diana Dashkevich plants houseplants plants tips Garden 16 January 2024If you love houseplants, but you're tired of the most popular kinds, then it's time to discover something new! Nowadays, there are so many unusual houseplants you can buy or order online, so you don't have to limit yourself.
Kate Yakimchuk houseplants gardening tips growing planting Garden 15 January 2024Tradescantia should be grown in a room with a low air temperature.
Diana Dashkevich flowers houseplants gardening gardening tips Garden 14 January 2024Muscari prefer loose, well-drained soil.
Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 13 January 2024If you love growing decorative plants, then you should provide the best possible growing conditions for them. One of the most important features is high-quality soil, but how can you find one?
Kate Yakimchuk soil gardening tips ideas choosing Garden 13 January 2024Rogersia blooms in July with white and pink flowers in densely packed paniculate inflorescences rising above the leaves. The plant grows by roots and can occupy quite a significant space. You can also divide the bush yourself or take cuttings of Rogersia to propagate the flower.
Diana Dashkevich plants flowers gardening gardening tips Garden 12 January 2024