5 Psychology Facts You Should Know: Important Information for You

15.08.2024 06:00

Emotions are the most interesting aspect of humanity.

Emotions are associated with human evolution

According to research, human emotions are an adaptive mechanism of evolution that helped our ancestors survive.

The fact is that almost all human emotions have a specific function.

For example, fear is designed to preserve human life in an evolutionary context.

This motivates a person to overcome obstacles and avoid dangerous situations.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Thanks to anger, people can protect their resources, and joy helps to experience reward and form positive attitudes.

For example, when an animal experiences fear, it is ready to flee and protect its life.

This means that emotions appeared earlier than humans and this has its own functions and goals.

Emotions influence our decisions

This means that human emotions have a strong influence on decision-making and choice.

For example, when a person experiences fear, this is often accompanied by a refusal to act.

With severe anxiety, a person tends to avoid “dangerous” situations and decision-making.

In addition, other emotions and feelings can influence decision-making. For example, pity, sadness, resentment, anger.

The fact is that with strong emotions, a person is sometimes unable to think rationally and can make decisions based on emotions.

Managing emotions is a skill

Controlling emotions requires practice from a person and this is a skill.

You can learn to manage your emotions and practice emotional regulation on your own or with the help of a psychologist.

Meditation can help manage emotions, as it strengthens the connections in the control centers of the brain.

Expressing emotions reduces stress

If a person constantly suppresses their emotions, this often leads to psychosomatic problems.

Expressing emotions helps reduce tension and stress.

For example, emotions of sadness can be experienced through tears.

Anger and other emotions can be expressed through words, fast walking, sports, creativity, talk therapy, dancing, keeping a diary.

These practices help reduce stress and feel relief.

In addition, this reduces the risk of mental and physiological problems. For example, chronic stress, sleep disorders, nutrition.

People are able to transmit emotions to each other

Emotions can spread between people.

A common example is the contagiousness of laughter.

This works because of empathy and sociality of people.

This happens because of the mirror neurons that are activated when we see the expression of emotions of other people.

This has different meanings. For example, it helps people empathize with each other.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Emotions are associated with human evolution
  2. Emotions influence our decisions
  3. Managing emotions is a skill
  4. Expressing emotions reduces stress
  5. People are able to transmit emotions to each other