Advice from a Psychologist: How to Get Started with Creativity

18.07.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

Thanks to developed creative thinking, a person is able to quickly respond to problems and come up with non-obvious solutions in different situations, whether it is a project at work, moving, or a simple household task like cleaning.

What makes a person creative

Creativity enhances positive emotions, eliminates bad health, helps to clarify existential and spiritual issues. Among other things, it reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, reduces anxiety, improves mood, enhances social activity, and increases self-esteem.

What is needed for creativity

In any case, you need to remember the general conditions that contribute to the creative state: this is a distraction from the hustle and bustle; lack of muscle tension, a state of relaxation; a sufficient level of vigor for active and lively attention (the ability to concentrate).

Do not wait for inspiration, but start doing what you like.

According to a study of jazz pianists, the musical improvisations of inexperienced participants were rated higher than previous results. Thus, the pianists put as much creativity and effort as possible into the improvisation process.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What makes a person creative
  2. What is needed for creativity