Skipping complex tasks for later is a frequent and difficult problem. In the article, we will talk about the features, causes and ways to deal with procrastination.
How is procrastination different from laziness
With laziness, a person refuses certain actions, because he sincerely does not consider them important.
When procrastinating, a person realizes the importance of the matter, but puts it off for various reasons.

Main causes of procrastination
The causes of procrastination depend on various factors, but most often, it works as a protective mechanism of the psyche.
Therefore, the psyche struggles with anxiety when solving complex or uninteresting tasks.
There are probably some leisure activities and types of work in your life that you are ready to do immediately.
How to overcome procrastination
The most effective way to stop procrastinating is to distribute tasks according to deadlines.
Here a list of tasks is compiled and the time for their completion is affixed.
Particular attention should be paid to small tasks: if the execution does not require more than 5 minutes, do it right away, forgetting about postponing for later.
Prioritization is another good way to avoid procrastination.
Be sure to reward yourself for completing important but difficult tasks on time.
Don't let the size of the task stop you from getting started. If you have a lot of tasks, break them down into parts that are easier to handle.