Anger is fuel: A new study on achieving goals

01.11.2023 00:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

When you actually want to achieve your goals, you can use different methods - just make sure they're effective.

Anger, although seen as a bad feeling, can actually push people to achieve tough goals, according to a new study. 

Let's learn more about how it works.

More about it

Happiness is often seen as the best emotion, but a mix of feelings, including anger, can lead to good results. 

Emotions, both good and bad, are like signals for what's happening around us. 


For example, sadness can mean you need help, while anger can mean it's time to take action.

To understand how anger helps people reach goals, researchers did many tests with over 1,000 people. 

They looked at how different emotions affected challenging tasks. 

In most cases, anger makes it easier to achieve goals, like solving puzzles or getting high scores in video games. 

Even in elections, people who said they'd be angry if their favorite candidate lost were more likely to vote.

Anger isn't the only useful emotion; other feelings like amusement and desire can also help. 

Why it's helpful

So, negative emotions like anger can be handy in certain situations. 

It shows that having a mix of positive and negative emotions can actually be good for us.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. More about it
  2. Why it's helpful