Sleeping with someone together is not always comfortable and easy. Sharing a bed with another person can become easier if you follow the Nordic sleep method.
What is the Scandinavian sleep method
Sometimes sleeping with your soul mate can be difficult for various reasons.
For example, your partner's snoring or the twitching of the blanket may interfere with you.

Therefore, insomnia or lack of sleep may appear. In the end, this can negatively affect relationships.
The Scandinavian sleep method can help with the quality of your sleep with a partner. It is widely used in Scandinavian countries: Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.
The method of sleep is that the partners sleep in the same bed, but do not share the same blanket. Instead, each person sleeps under a separate blanket.
Therefore, this method solves many problems that arise, just because of the common veil.
For example, you can independently control your temperature, roll over more freely, take cover in a way that suits you.
Probably, thanks to just such a rule during sleep, the Scandinavian countries are leading in the quality of sleep in the world.
If you are unable to solve the problem with falling asleep or the quality of your sleep on your own, seek help from a specialist.