MBTI "thinkers" tend to make decisions based on sound evidence and logic.
Who is a thinker
Strategists know this well - they are one of the rarest and most strategically gifted personality types.
Strategists make up just two percent of the population, and women with this personality type are particularly rare—only 0.8% of the population.
Introverted type of idea generator. Inventive, imaginative - a person with ideas who can solve non-standard problems.
INTJs belong to the analytical group (NT), being the most reasonable and rational of its representatives.
Caring, positive, erudite, diligent and correct in the best sense of the word.
These are theorists and scientists who see a system in everything, skillfully combining options within the system.
How INTJs behave
INTJs are objective and do not allow subjective attitudes to take over their minds.
INTJs like everything around them to be orderly and controlled, so they prefer to make plans in advance.
In addition, people with this personality type are usually perfectionists; they have high demands and standards for themselves.
How to recognize an INTJ
INTJs gravitate towards logical systems and are much less comfortable with the unpredictable nature of other people and their emotions.
They tend to be independent and selective in their relationships, preferring to associate with people they find intellectually stimulating.