The perception of time is a subjective concept. In the article we will tell you what is the reason for the fact that time goes faster with age.
Why time starts to go faster in adulthood
One theory says that the cognitive perception of the speed of time is related to how we process visual information. According to this theory, time accelerates with age as biophysical changes occur in the body: rapid eye movements, body size, and degradation of neural pathways.
In another study, American scientists explained this effect by slowing down the speed of the brain. According to the authors of the work, with age, the brain begins to notice less details that usually help to better appreciate the passage of time, so it seems as if time passes very quickly.
It is believed that the more new stimuli a person receives from the outside world, the more dopamine is released in the body. From the age of 20, the level of this hormone of happiness begins to decline, and it seems to us that time is slipping away instantly.
It is noted that the perception of time depends on how much information the brain receives: the more data, the slower time passes. In childhood, the brain processes a lot of information, and adults are more familiar with the environment, so it seems to them that a day or even a year passes faster than before.