How being mindful improves your workplace relationships: A new study on communication with colleagues

04.09.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Mindfulness can help you in different spheres of life - even the ones you don't expect.

Research conducted by Christopher S. Reina, an associate professor of management and entrepreneurship at Virginia Commonwealth University, highlights that the benefits of mindfulness extend beyond individual well-being. 

Let's find out more!

Mindfulness translates into good relationships

The study, published in Organization Science, demonstrates that the true advantages of mindfulness are realized when it's translated into mindful interactions and relationships. 

This approach can lead to more harmonious and healthy organizations.


Reina emphasizes that as work environments evolve and interdependence becomes more common, understanding how individuals bring mindfulness to work and how it impacts interactions is crucial. 

The study explores how mindfulness practices are incorporated into the workplace, both formally (such as mindful pauses before meetings) and informally (such as attentive listening).

Based on interviews and observations, the study delves into how leaders bring mindfulness to the workplace and how it influences their interactions. 

Reina and his co-authors conducted interviews with managers, professionals, and consultants who practice mindfulness at work, uncovering the positive effects observed by colleagues due to these behaviors.

Why it's important to know

The study emphasizes that these mindful practices not only affect immediate interactions but also set individuals up for success in future conversations, especially challenging ones. 

Mindfulness helps individuals become aware of their thoughts and emotions within a social context, facilitating skillful and compassionate navigation of complex situations.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Mindfulness translates into good relationships
  2. Why it's important to know