How to fall asleep in minutes without sleeping pills: a simple method that works

21.04.2024 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Insomnia is a big problem for many people.

In this article, we will tell you the secrets of how you can fall asleep faster without difficulty.

How to fall asleep quickly if you have insomnia

Experts recommend giving up gadgets before bed.

This is really important because the screen emits light, which seriously disrupts the quality of sleep and falling asleep in a person.

To help you fall asleep faster, it is important to stop using your phone or laptop for at least an hour.


For good sleep, it is also important to practice evening walks in the fresh air.

In general, any physical activity helps you fall asleep easier.

Therefore, if you suffer from insomnia, try adding as much physical activity as possible during the day or evening.

This way you will be tired and fall asleep quickly in the evening.

Avoiding naps during the day is also important, as this can disrupt your daily and sleep patterns.

You can also take a relaxing bath with aromatic oils before bed.

Also, to fall asleep faster, lie down comfortably on your bed and relax.

After this, focus on relaxing all the muscles in your body.

It is important to relax your facial muscles, and then lower your shoulders. Inhale and exhale deeply, relaxing your chest.

Previously, we told you exactly why chronic lack of sleep is dangerous for your health.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource