How to help a child learn to crawl: simple ways

23.05.2024 22:00

Parents can help their child learn to crawl. It's not as difficult as it seems.

When should you teach your baby to crawl

The baby will crawl as soon as the muscles are strong enough.

Most children begin to learn to crawl between 6 and 10 months of age.

However. If your baby hasn't started crawling in this time range, there's no need to worry.

For each child, this is an individual process that occurs differently for everyone.

Photo: © Belnovosti

You can help your child make this task a little easier.

How to help a child learn to crawl

Doctors recommend placing the baby on his stomach from the first days.

Do exercises on a fitball, sign up for a special massage for young children.

It is also important to provide your baby with space to crawl.

Remove all dangerous things: everything sharp, prickly, sticky, falling.

If the floor is slippery, place a rug on the surface.

Stimulate your baby with toys or crawl with your baby.

This way, it will be easier for the baby to understand how and why to crawl.

Previously, we told you how to understand that you have fallen out of love.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When should you teach your baby to crawl
  2. How to help a child learn to crawl