How stress affects mental health: important to know

12.06.2024 19:00

Every person experiences stress and this is normal.

At the same time, your body reacts to stress both physically and mentally.

How stress affects the human body

Due to stress, a person becomes more attentive, motivated, and fast.

Stress also helps a person learn to adapt to new situations.

Stress causes physical reactions in the body.

Photo: © Belnovosti

For example, muscle tension, rapid heartbeat, body tremors, insomnia, digestive disorders.

How stress affects a person's mental health

Stress is normal unless you experience it very often and regularly.

With frequent stress, a person may experience anxiety, depression, sleep and eating disorders, and psychosis.

Stress in small doses helps a person improve cognitive function and make quick decisions.

Due to prolonged stress, a person may experience apathy, depressed mood, high levels of anxiety, panic attacks, and mood swings.

It can also lead to a decrease or increase in appetite, social isolation, and decreased cognitive function.

For example, to deterioration of concentration and forgetfulness.

Therefore, if you are experiencing prolonged stress, it is important to be able to relax.

For example, take a vacation, go to the spa, meet up with family or friends.

If stress is interfering with your normal life, it is important to see a therapist.

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Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How stress affects the human body
  2. How stress affects a person's mental health