Happiness is a state of a person's soul. This is a feeling of joy and satisfaction with life.
What is human happiness
Happiness is a state of a person's soul.
This is a feeling of joy and satisfaction with life.

For some, happiness is love for a loved one, for some it is material values, and for others, having their family nearby, all of whose members are alive and well, is enough for happiness.
Yes, it sounds counterintuitive, but a study published in 2021 in the journal Current Opinion in Behavioral Science found that people who place more emphasis on happiness are often less happy.
What does it mean to be happy
Every person strives to be happy, but not everyone can realize what it is.
Happiness is an exclusively subjective characteristic, it is an experience.
The state that a person experiences, and it corresponds to the greatest internal satisfaction with the fullness of his life, its meaningfulness and fulfillment.
According to the study, the majority of respondents from around the world cite physical and mental health as the main sources of happiness.
Also, people are made happy by family (relationships with a partner, children) and a feeling of life being filled with meaning.
Physical health comes first in Canada, China, Italy, Spain, and the USA.
Is it possible to learn to be happy
You can learn to be happy - for this you need to engage in psychology, meditative practices and philosophy.
Scientists from the University of Trento in Italy came to this conclusion after conducting a study involving a group of volunteers.