Is it possible to criticize a child and how to do it correctly: an algorithm for parents

13.05.2024 21:26

Almost every parent has thought at least once about how to properly criticize a child.

We will tell you more about this in the article.

Is it possible to criticize a child

You can criticize a child in extreme cases.


If you criticize your child regularly and on every occasion, this will lead to low self-esteem and other psychological problems.

Since the psyche of children is not fully formed, it is important to communicate with them carefully.

How to properly criticize a child

Children who are regularly criticized by their parents may feel losses more acutely and are less excited about successes, starting a cycle of problems with self-esteem and approval seeking.

Psychologists recommend following certain rules for constructive criticism.

It is extremely important to criticize the child’s actions, not the person.

You can criticize specific actions and behaviors by explaining their consequences.

Under no circumstances should you criticize a child’s personality.

So, the child will feel like a bad person with low self-esteem.

If you criticize children rudely, they get angry, offended, and hateful.

In addition, constant insults will lead to low self-esteem and complexes.

An offended child is not able to adequately perceive words; he only sees your dissatisfaction.

Previously, we told you how to get rid of obsessive thoughts before bed.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it possible to criticize a child
  2. How to properly criticize a child