Items triggering memories: Psychologist's insights

29.10.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Have you ever noticed that certain items, songs, or even smells can easily trigger some specific memories in you?

It happens to almost everyone, because our brain can easily recollect memories using specific triggers around us.

Here's how it works.

Memory Connection

Objects, whether they are things you can see, touch, hear, or even smell, are like keys that unlock the doors to your memories. 

They hold a special connection to your past.



Our brains are like super detectives. They link objects to memories based on experiences. 

For example, a stuffed animal might remind you of bedtime as a child, or a seashell might bring back memories of a family beach vacation.


Objects not only bring back memories but also the feelings that go with them. 

A handwritten letter from a friend can fill you with the same warmth and happiness you felt when you received it.


Our senses, like smelling, tasting, or touching things, play a big role in memory recall. 

That's why the smell of freshly baked cookies might whisk you back to your grandma's kitchen.

Time Travel

Think of objects as your personal time machine. 

They allow you to travel through time, experiencing past moments and emotions all over again. It's like reliving a piece of your life.


Every object in your life has a story to tell. They remind you of who you are and where you've been. 

They're like the chapters in the book of your life.


In a way, objects are like the magical keys to your own treasure chest of memories. 

They help you unlock and cherish the stories and experiences that have shaped your life.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Memory Connection
  2. Associations
  3. Emotions
  4. Senses
  5. Time Travel
  6. Storytellers
  7. Conclusion