Love versus attraction: Psychologist's insights

07.10.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

When we like someone, we are often fueled with hormones that make it extremely hard for us to understand what we actually feel.

That's why it's so hard to differentiate love from attraction sometimes - it might actually feel pretty much the same at first.

Here are a few things that can actually help you differentiate one from another.


Attraction is like a feeling of interest or liking someone because of their looks or personality. 

Love is a much deeper feeling, like a strong connection and affection for someone.



Attraction can happen quickly, like when you meet someone new and are drawn to them. 

Love takes time to develop; it grows stronger the more you get to know and care for someone.


Attraction is often based on surface qualities, like physical appearance. 

Love goes beyond looks and is about valuing someone for who they are, including their flaws.


Attraction can be fleeting; it may come and go. Love is more enduring; it can last a lifetime.


Attraction can be about wanting to spend time with someone because you're drawn to them. 

Love involves a deep desire to care for and be with someone, even when things are tough.


Attraction can turn into love later in life - it's a way bigger feeling that can last for many years.

Therefore, don't rush things - just enjoy your feelings and wait to find out whether it can turn into something bigger!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Feeling
  2. Time
  3. Depth
  4. Longevity
  5. Desire
  6. Conclusion