A new discovery: Detecting brain injury through the eye – it's safe!

12.01.2024 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Scientists made a device to check for brain injuries by shining a safe laser in the eye.

It works differently from other methods and could be a handheld device used right after an injury when quick decisions about treatment are crucial.

The device uses a special laser to find biomarkers for brain injuries by studying how light bounces off molecules.

It's a useful invention

Timely diagnosis of TBI is urgently needed since it is a major cause of death worldwide.

TBI occurs when the head experiences a sudden impact, causing varying degrees of brain injury. However, it is difficult to diagnose immediately after the injury occurs.


Common methods like X-rays and MRIs are costly and slow in providing results.

The researchers designed this handheld device to quickly assess TBI patients without causing additional discomfort.

The device is fast, accurate, and non-invasive.

It can explain a lot about how bad the trauma is, and also be used at the scene of an accident, on the battlefield, or during sports events.

It can help a lot

Experts stressed that early diagnosis is vital because treatment decisions must be made within the first hour after the injury occurs.

The existing methods depend on ambulance crews and hospital scans, which can be time-consuming.

Previously, we talked about peptide roots of heavy drinking.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. It's a useful invention
  2. It can help a lot