A new discovery: Virtual violence – do video games make us more tolerant to real violence?

30.01.2024 01:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Neuroscientists explored whether playing violent video games affects human empathy. 

The study involved adult participants playing a violent video game repeatedly over several weeks, with their empathic responses measured before and after the experiment. 

Surprisingly, the violent video game had no noticeable impact on empathy or underlying brain activity. 


How it was tested

Many popular video games depict extreme violence, raising concerns about potential desensitization and lower inhibitions for real violence among players. 

The researchers selected 90 adult males with little or no prior exposure to violent video games for the study. 

The participants played a highly violent version of Grand Theft Auto V, while a control group engaged in non-violent tasks. 

Results showed no significant changes in empathic abilities or brain activity between the two groups, challenging previous studies reporting negative effects after short gaming sessions. 

Why it's important to know

The study emphasizes the need for careful interpretation and highlights the importance of strong experimental controls and longitudinal research designs for future investigations into the effects of violent video games.

Previously, we talked about engagement and education.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. How it was tested
  2. Why it's important to know