You may have experienced betrayal trauma if someone you depended on violated your trust or well-being once or over time.
This betrayal can cause you to dissociate or “disconnect” from your emotions and feel fear and shame.
What is betrayal
Betrayal is a violation of fidelity to someone, failure to fulfill a duty to someone, leaving a friend or partner in trouble, as well as adultery.

Some types of betrayal may be hidden behind the façade of an apparently prosperous relationship and seem not to be counted.
How to understand that I have psychological trauma
Both psychological and physical (somatic) symptoms may occur.
Psychological ones include tension, anxiety, obsessive thoughts about what happened, which are difficult to get rid of, tearfulness, apathy, desire for solitude or, on the contrary, fear of being alone, and others.
How to cope with the trauma of betrayal
How to Heal from the Trauma of Betrayal and Regain Your Confidence.
- Allow yourself to process what happened.
- Take care of yourself - both physically and emotionally.
- Try to protect yourself from further damage that the "traitor" can do to you.
- Tell someone you trust about your experiences.