Psychologist Explanation: What is Paranoia

22.09.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you experience paranoia for a long period of time, it may mean that you are living in a paranoid state.

What is paranoia

Paranoia is a mental disorder that occurs against the background of brain damage and manifests itself in strange behavior.

A person tends to see conspiracies and danger to himself in random and unrelated events.

A person evaluates everything not in accordance with reality, but based on his or her own crazy ideas.

At the same time, it is impossible to convince him; he or she does not even accept obvious arguments and evidence.


What causes paranoia

Paranoia is a mental illness whose causes are unknown.

Possible conditions that provoke paranoia may be Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and cerebral atherosclerosis.

How does a person with paranoia feel

Paranoia is a mental disorder manifested by excessive suspicion, a tendency to see malicious intent in a random combination of events and build conspiracy theories.

At the same time, a person maintains the adequacy of perception and logic of thinking in areas that do not relate to his painful ideas.

What to do if a person is paranoid

If you cannot cope with the suspicion and mistrust of a loved one through conversation or persuasion, there is only one way out - consult a psychiatrist or psychotherapist for treatment.

Depending on the situation, either psychotherapy or medications can quickly cope with the disorder.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is paranoia
  2. What causes paranoia
  3. How does a person with paranoia feel
  4. What to do if a person is paranoid