Temperament is not formed during life, but is an innate characteristic of a person.
What is temperament type
According to Hippocrates' classification, there are four types of temperament (they are also called “types of temperament”): phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine, choleric.
Different temperaments have different strengths and weaknesses.

Temperament cannot be changed or corrected.
Differences in temperament between parents and children can lead to deep conflicts.
Temperament also influences the expression of characteristics such as emotional feelings and reactivity.
Under the influence of emotions, a person is able to evaluate his work, get involved in the process, and be interested in a positive result.
How is temperament type inherited
It is generally accepted that temperament is inherited by a child from his parents.
Moreover, in one child one can note both the traits of the father and some of the character traits of the mother.
This explains the fact that the same couple can have children with completely different types of temperament.
At what age does temperament appear
The makings of temperament can be seen already in the youngest children, and in general, one can speak with relative confidence about a child’s character traits at the age of about 2 years.