Alexithymia is difficulty identifying and verbally describing one's own emotions and feelings, as well as the feelings of others.
What is alexithymia in simple words
Alexithymia: An Emotional Disruption Under the Mask of Normality Alexithymia is a psychological state of the individual in which a person, having lost the ability to identify and express their own emotions, is forced to try to look normal in the eyes of others.
“I don’t know how I feel” or “I don’t feel anything” is a very common request when contacting a psychologist. Most often, he does not talk about coldness, but about suppressed and unexpressed emotions. There are a lot of shades of feelings, and more complex and important experiences can be hidden behind the obvious option.

What causes alexithymia
Situational alexithymia is caused by situational and communicative factors, such as constraint, shame, distrust, lack of psychological security guarantees, fear of being misunderstood. Alexithymic manifestations are often caused by increased personal anxiety.
Is it possible to get rid of alexithymia
Yes, it is possible to get rid of alexithymia with the help of psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, psychoanalysis, art therapy.
How to deal with alexithymia on your own
- Understand what emotions are and why they are needed. Emotions are psychophysiological reactions that involve not only the brain, but the rest of the body.
- Learn to interpret your own emotions.
- Train yourself to express emotions verbally and non-verbally.