Psychosomatic pains: Psychologist's insights

17.09.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Human brain is amazing and hard to understand sometimes - and one of the surprising things that can happen is psychosomatic pain.

It can cause lots of problems for people who suffer from it, and it can be pretty hard to get rid of.

Let's find out why it happens and what you can do about it if you happen to have it.


What are they?

Psychosomatic pains are physical discomforts or aches that are connected to your emotions and mental state. 

In simpler terms, it means that your feelings, stress, or worries can sometimes cause real physical symptoms in your body.

For example, if you're very anxious or stressed, you might experience a headache, stomachache, or muscle tension. 

These physical sensations are real, but they're triggered by your emotions rather than a physical injury or illness.

Why do they appear?

Psychosomatic pains happen because your brain and body are closely connected. 

When you're under a lot of emotional strain, your brain can send signals to your body that lead to physical discomfort.

It's essential to recognize that psychosomatic pains are not imaginary; they're genuine physical sensations. 

However, addressing the underlying emotional causes, like stress or anxiety, can often help alleviate these symptoms.


Psychosomatic pains are often hard to understand and get rid of, but it's possible - so if you have this problem, then it's better to contact a specialist soon.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. What are they?
  2. Why do they appear?
  3. Conclusion