It's common to spot red flags at the beginning of a relationship.
This is important to remember.
What are the red flags in a relationship
A clear red flag in a relationship is the partner's controlling behavior.

If they are trying to control what you wear, who you hang out with, or who you are friends with, be careful.
This may be a warning sign that the person in front of you is a tyrant.
Also during a relationship, abusers may make you feel guilty and judge your behavior.
Excessive and subjective criticism is also a red flag for you.
In a relationship you should feel respected and also safe.
If you encounter humiliation, insults, criticism, you are facing an abuser.
Also a red flag for any relationship is a lack of trust.
This is the foundation of any healthy relationship.
You must trust each other. It is also important to keep communication open.
Without manipulation, deception, insincerity.
Healthy relationships include the ability to openly share your experiences, needs, and express your emotions and feelings.
If your partner doesn't want to talk, discuss problems, or listen to you, that's a very big red flag.
Without the ability to negotiate and discuss, it will not be possible to build a healthy and happy relationship.
In addition, warning signs in relationships are emotional, physical or psychological abuse. This can lead to PTSD.
If you are blamed for problems and blame is shifted onto you, this is also not normal.
Another red flag could be that your partner has problems with anger or expressing other emotions.
This may leave you confused about what's going on and feeling unsafe.
You should feel understood, safe and comfortable in the relationship.
Dismiss people who use intimidation, blackmail, manipulation, or other toxic behavior in communication. Take care of yourself.
Previously, we talked about how to improve your social skills.