Signs of disrespect in a couple that destroy relationships: pay attention

22.02.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Respect in a relationship is one of the important components.

In the article, you will learn what respect in a couple is based on and how disrespect can be expressed.

What is respect based on

The basis of respect for a person is to treat the person as an end in itself.


The first type of respect is based on this: respecting a person for his human dignity, which equalizes people, for his potential for development.

The second type of respect is an assessment of a person’s merits and achievements in various fields.

Respect in a relationship is expressed in respectful attention to the partner, interest in his aspirations, decisions and actions, in honoring his life goals and values.

A couple living in harmony always communicates as equals.

Relationships built on respect recognize the value of each partner.

What is disrespect for a person

Disrespect is easily recognized by a look, tone of voice, facial expressions, unwillingness to obey, and devaluation of opinions.

Disrespect can be shown towards a partner.

Therefore, your partner most likely does not respect you if he does not listen to you, interrupts you, or does not take your opinion into account.

Another sign of disrespect in a relationship is devaluation.

This may be a devaluation of your interests and opinions, as well as emotions and feelings.

Previously, we talked about how to understand that your partner really likes you.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is respect based on
  2. What is disrespect for a person