Signs of a toxic person: Psychologist's tips

30.09.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Toxic people can ruin your life - so it's always better to avoid them.

The thing is, you can't always tell who's toxic until it's too late, because toxic people tend to hide their personality at first.

That's why you can use a few tips that can help you.

Constant Negativity

Toxic people often focus on negative things and complain a lot. They rarely see the positive side of situations.

Drama and Conflict

They might create drama and arguments wherever they go, and they may enjoy stirring up trouble.

angry woman

Control and Manipulation

Toxic individuals might try to control you or manipulate your decisions. They don't respect your choices.


They tend to be selfish and put their needs above everyone else's. They may not show empathy or care for your feelings.

Lack of Support

Toxic people may not be there for you when you need them. They're often unreliable or unsupportive in tough times.

Jealousy and Competition

They might be envious of your success and try to compete with you rather than celebrating your achievements.

Draining Energy

Being around them can make you feel exhausted or emotionally drained. They might bring you down rather than lift you up.


Toxic individuals often gossip about others behind their backs, which can be hurtful and create trust issues.

Blame Game

They rarely take responsibility for their actions and may blame others for their problems.


Make sure your new friends don't have these red flags, so you can be sure they are safe for you.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Constant Negativity
  2. Drama and Conflict
  3. Control and Manipulation
  4. Self-Centeredness
  5. Lack of Support
  6. Jealousy and Competition
  7. Draining Energy
  8. Gossiping
  9. Blame Game
  10. Conclusion