Tips from a Psychologist: How to support yourself on your own

25.06.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

It is important to be able to deal with difficult emotions on your own. However, sometimes without the help of outsiders can not do. In this article, you will learn how you can support yourself.

What is self-support

Self-support is an important skill that allows a person to recognize their emotions, states, needs - especially in difficult situations. Yes, friends, relatives, a psychologist can also support.

But if a person himself does not understand what he feels and what exactly he needs, then such support may simply be ineffective.

How to support yourself

In the beginning, it is important to maintain your feelings and sensations in the body. At the second stage, the stage of their recognition and presentation takes place. It is also important to maintain this one and then learn to separate what to present and what not to present. Then you move on to the actual stage of doing. And it's important to keep up the action.

If all stages are completed, then you will move on to the stage of pleasure, relief or sadness. These states are also important to support and live.

Photo: Pixabay

If we were to draw a diagram of the contact cycle, it would look like a wave: a smooth rise up, and then a smooth descent down. Our life consists of such waves, if we have enough support and acceptance of us. If this is not the case, we get stuck at some point in the wave and trample there until we pass it to the end.

As long as you are a student in your life, no matter how old you are, take as much support from those around you as you need.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is self-support
  2. How to support yourself