Types of manipulation in relationships: important to know

11.06.2024 13:26

Manipulation is a common form of psychological violence in relationships.

It is important to understand that they want to manipulate you.

What is manipulation

Manipulation is an act by which a person covertly controls or uses others for gain.

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As a rule, manipulators want to have power over their partner and always get what they want by any means.

This often happens because they don't know any other way to communicate.

For example, narcissists and psychopaths often resort to manipulation.

Nevertheless, people without these personality traits can practice manipulation in both friendly and romantic relationships.

What types of manipulations exist in relationships

Manipulators often resort to blaming language. Using words and phrases, the abuser causes the victim to feel shame and guilt.

With the help of guilt, the manipulator makes you doubt yourself, your self-esteem decreases.

Emotional blackmail is another common form of manipulation in romantic relationships.

This happens if you are given uncomfortable conditions and threatened with the dissemination of your personal information.

Another sign of an abusive and manipulative relationship is gaslighting.

This means that you are forced to think what you imagine and that you made it all up.

Over time, victims of gaslighting stop distinguishing between reality and fiction and believe that they really made it up and are crazy.

Another common manipulation in relationships is passive aggression. For example, total ignoring.

We previously talked about the signs that you are incompatible with your partner.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is manipulation
  2. What types of manipulations exist in relationships