What is the difference between stress and depression: a psychologist's explanation

04.04.2023 14:26
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Mental health is the path to a happy life. Many people face life difficulties, anxieties, this is normal.

In order to recognize in time that it is time to change something or seek psychological help, it is important to independently notice the first signs of stress or depression in yourself.

How are depression and stress similar

The first step to get rid of difficult experiences is to understand what you are facing

Stress and depression have similar symptoms. For example, with chronic stress, a person experiences sleep and appetite disturbances. These signs are also characteristic of depression.

Lack of sleep, poor nutrition lead to a decrease in immunity and health problems.

Photo: Pixabay

Despite some similarities in symptoms, depression and stress are not the same thing. A psychotherapist can help determine the cause of what you are experiencing.

How to reduce stress in your life

The most important thing is a balanced diet, exercise and rest.

For the brain and body to work, vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber are needed. Add foods rich in nutrients to your diet: avocados, eggs, red fish, nuts, fruits, berries, fresh vegetables, whole grain flour products.

Sports, outdoor walks, games with animals, creativity, massage, meditation, and yoga help to overcome anxiety and stress. Try to find an activity that will bring you pleasure.

Monitor the amount and quality of sleep. Ventilate the bedroom before going to bed, use the bed only for sleeping. A person should sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How are depression and stress similar
  2. How to reduce stress in your life