What Makes People Cheat in Relationships According to Experts

08.08.2024 02:00

Cheating is, unfortunately, not uncommon in relationships.

Why People Cheat on Their Partners

Cheating in relationships is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, and the reasons why people cheat can be very different.

There are several main factors that can lead to one of the partners being unfaithful.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Sometimes a partner cheats because of a lack of tactility in the relationship.

This means that a person does not receive enough attention, warmth, and touch.

The need for physical intimacy is not satisfied, and a person begins to look for it on the side.

A lack of emotional intimacy can also sometimes lead to cheating.

As a rule, people find it difficult to go through periods when they cannot share their feelings, experiences, and emotions with their partner.

This can also lead to emotional intimacy and support being on the side.

In addition, sometimes it is important for people to assert themselves through cheating.

This can increase their self-esteem and significance. Such behavior is often associated with psychological trauma and self-doubt.

People can also cheat to get revenge on another person.

Some people want to arouse interest and jealousy in their partner because they lack attention.

For some people, cheating is normal. This usually happens to those who grew up in an environment where it was normal.

Cheating also often occurs during periods of crisis and when one of the partners lacks novelty in the relationship.

However, it is important to understand that each situation is unique, and the reasons for cheating can be individual for each couple.

Cheating is a serious test for a relationship, and its consequences can be devastating.

However, understanding the reasons for infidelity can help prevent such situations and strengthen the relationship.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource