Some women notice that they are attracted to their abuser. With what it can be connected?
Why is one attracted to abusers
Abusers, as a rule, look for a partner with low self-esteem and self-doubt.
This is due to the fact that they can more easily and simply manipulate such a person and cause feelings of guilt and shame.

After all, the lack of self-confidence reinforces confidence in their words, constantly forcing them to remain in the position of a victim and doubt themselves.
In addition, people with low self-esteem, as a rule, find it difficult to break off relationships on their own and leave them, which also attracts abusers.
Abusers choose for relationships people who can be subjugated to their will and broken.
As a rule, victims of abusers have developed empathy, sensitivity, kindness, vulnerability, altruism and rescuer syndrome.
Victims of abuse often know how to understand the motives of their partner’s behavior and help.
These are the strings that the abuser most often pulls.
Why is the victim drawn to the abuser from a psychological point of view
Sometimes victims of abuse see strength, power, care and resources - qualities that they themselves lack.
From a psychological point of view, projections occur.
Sometimes victims of abuse unconsciously choose the kind of abuse that previously occurred in the family with their parents in order to replay the scenario.
The victim sees the abuser as a parent and tries to get the love he lost in childhood.
A person simply does not know other examples of relationships and moves according to the usual scenario.
Previously, we told you how to understand that a person is not right for you on the first date.