Sometimes in a relationship or even in a marriage there is a feeling of loneliness.
This happens when you consider the relationship to be meaningless.
What happens to the psyche when you feel lonely
Loneliness has an extremely negative effect on the human psyche.

In addition, an unpleasant feeling causes acute emotional reactions.
For example, a feeling of hopelessness, anxiety, depression, depersonalization, apathy, melancholy, changes in consciousness and self-awareness, individual and personal characteristics of a person.
According to psychologists, loneliness can be felt for various reasons.
This can be affected by a quarrel, moving, changing life circumstances, loss of friends, severe stress and depression.
Often, when a person suffers from mental disorders, there may be a feeling that no one around, not even close people, understands these feelings and difficulties.
Therefore, it is important not to close yourself off from your partner and share your experiences and worries.
It is important to be able to ask for help and not be afraid to appear weak.
What to do if you feel lonely in a relationship
Understand what you are missing. Listen to your feelings and ask what you are missing in your relationship right now.
Perhaps something can be changed.
Tell us about your experiences and feelings.
Share with your partner that you feel lonely.
However, you should not criticize and blame another person for this.
Hug your loved one as much and often as possible, ask for more tactility and time.
You can also seek professional help - a psychotherapist.
We previously talked about how to stay engaged in marriage.