Why quarrels and scandals began to occur more often in the family: experts named the main reasons

13.05.2024 21:26

To some extent, family quarrels are normal. In this article, we will tell you why quarrels can occur.

Why do people fight

People quarrel due to lack of attention and help.

This is a common problem when family members want to be understood and heard.


It often happens that they themselves do not ask for sympathy or help, believing that it is easy to guess about it just by looking at them.

People often quarrel because someone has ruined their mood, or because they are irritated by work, especially if the person is overly emotional or has low self-esteem.

Quarrels are triggered by secondary emotions, such as anger or coldness, that mask our deeper feelings: fear of abandonment, helplessness, or longing for contact and connection.

Thus, people often quarrel due to fear of losing each other or when there is an excess of emotional stress.

Why quarrels are good

Couples try to strengthen their relationship through quarrels. Quite the opposite is happening.

People who avoid conflict burn out and withdraw much faster.

They seem to allow the situation to grow to such proportions that it is no longer possible to solve it.

Previously, we talked about how to understand that a relationship is doomed.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do people fight
  2. Why quarrels are good