Work habits that are secretly depression in disguise, according to experts

27.06.2024 01:00

Depression can be “hidden”. A person may not always realize that he is depressed.

What work habits hide depression

Depression is characterized by a prolonged feeling of hopelessness, decreased pleasures in life, sleep disturbances, eating disorders, a feeling of worthlessness and helplessness.

At work, this can manifest itself in lateness due to insomnia, difficulty concentrating, and memory impairment.

Lack of appetite and poor sleep quality can lead to chronic fatigue and physical impairment.

Sometimes people work more when they are depressed.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This is due to a reluctance to return home or experience difficult emotions.

Also at work, a person with depression may experience changes in their relationships with colleagues.

For example, a person may refuse to communicate and become isolated.

This is a fairly common sign of depression.

A person may stop seeing meaning in communicating with other people or in daily routine.

People with depression may fall behind on deadlines, stop going to lunch with coworkers, and become harshly critical of their work and the work of their coworkers.

Another sign of depression that can manifest itself in the workplace is irritability.

Often people with depression experience not only sadness and apathy, but also irritation and anger.

If you are experiencing some symptoms of depression, seek help from a therapist.

Previously, we talked about how narcissistic men behave in relationships.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource