Self-control means that a person experiences fewer emotions or controls them, that is, reacts to situations in a more neutral and calm way.
Diana Dashkevich mental health happiness psychologist tips Psychology 1 June 2024Aggression is often seen as a negative emotion, leading to conflicts and violence. However, it serves a purpose in many species for survival. Managing your aggression is important.
Kate Yakimchuk aggression research anger management behavior Psychology 11 January 2024If you experience constant stress because you don't have time to do everything you've planned, then it's a sign that you have to change something. Planning and time management can transform your life completely, so it's definitely a worth-learning skill.
Kate Yakimchuk productivity work tips Psychology 9 January 2024You decide to get up at 6 am and do it every day, regardless of your physical condition, mood, laziness, inspiration or other variables. This ability to carry out one’s own commands is called self-discipline.
Diana Dashkevich mental health life facts Psychology 10 December 2023The idea that someone becomes aggressive because of poor self-control is not the whole story. The experiment found that aggression can also be the result of strong self-control used for revenge.
Kate Yakimchuk research Psychology 5 November 2023Self-discipline is a great tool for personal development. It helps both to get rid of something unnecessary, for example, a bad habit, and to accustom yourself to something that can change life for the better.
Diana Dashkevich mental health work facts Psychology 12 August 2023Self-control helps a person to achieve different goals. However, excessive control of your behavior and emotions can have negative consequences.
Diana Dashkevich mental health facts studies Psychology 24 July 2023Have you ever met people constantly get into troubles? Some individuals seem to constantly find themselves in troublesome situations due to a combination of various factors and personal characteristics.
Kate Yakimchuk personality Psychology 24 July 2023Most of us are subconsciously sure that aggressive and cruel people just can't control themselves. In fact, there are more reasons behind it, and a new study claims to know more reasons for violent behavior.
Kate Yakimchuk research aggression anger issues mental health Psychology 18 July 2023