Self-Control and Hyper-Control: What's the Difference

24.07.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Self-control helps a person to achieve different goals. However, excessive control of your behavior and emotions can have negative consequences.

How self-control affects personality

Thanks to self-control, a person can remain calm even in the most difficult situations and manage his emotions, set priorities correctly and purposefully go towards achieving results.

A person with self-control acts more efficiently and feels more confident and stronger.

Disadvantages of excessive self-control

Hypercontrol, or over control, is a popular psychology term used to describe people who seek to control everything around them.

This phenomenon was illustrated in the real world in a study by Jonathan Levav of Stanford and Shai Danziger of Ben Gurion University.

Photo: Pixabay

Research has shown that even with the best of intentions, the constant exercise of self-control can lead to decision fatigue, reducing our ability to make good decisions and potentially forcing us to act in ways we would normally avoid.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How self-control affects personality
  2. Disadvantages of excessive self-control