

The smallest details like convenient shelves can make your interior not only stylish and consistent, but also simply comfortable to live in. For instance, if you use lots of spices and keep them in small jars, then you might need a nice shelf to put them on.

Kate Yakimchuk spices interior tips storage tips House Design 14 January 2024

Shelves can be simple interior objects, but they can also be your personal showcases illustrating your personality. They can demonstrate your interests, hobbies, and life goals, so others can easily see who you are and what you like.

Kate Yakimchuk bookshelf personalization interior tips home decor House Design 19 December 2023

Glass shelves in your refrigerator are designed to be strong and resilient, but they still can be damaged or broken. If you feel like it's time to clean your fridge shelves, then you need to do it pretty carefully, so you won't destroy them.

Kate Yakimchuk fridge refrigerator glass cleaning Helpful tips 25 November 2023

It's always easier to keep your fridge clean than to clean it, because maintenance matters. Fridge shelves tend to become dirty quickly, so you should use preventive measures to keep them nice and clean.

Kate Yakimchuk fridge cleaning tips Helpful tips 1 November 2023

Lots of modern interior designs can benefit from shelves with books, souvenirs, or photos on them. Meanwhile, you don't even have to buy expensive shelves - it's way easier to find or make some shelves on your own!

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips ideas House Design 30 October 2023

Floating shelves are trendy and minimalistic - and that's why people love it so much. Meanwhile, they have both pros and cons, so you should think twice before using them in your interior.

Kate Yakimchuk interior books tips House Design 23 October 2023

When choosing furniture for your living room, you don't have to place everything along the walls every time - use corners instead! Corner cupboards can be quite beneficial for most interiors, because they can help you use space rationally.

Kate Yakimchuk cupboard corner interior furniture House Design 16 October 2023
fridge shelf

Fridge shelves can become dirty pretty quickly, especially if you don't maintain them clean. Liquids, unpacked foods, and occasional stains can make your fridge look dirty and unhygienic.

Kate Yakimchuk fridge cleaning tips food Helpful tips 10 October 2023

If you love cooking, then you need seasoning and spices - and it's always great when they're conveniently placed near your cooking surface. But where exactly should you place them? You need to find balance between looks and comfort.

Kate Yakimchuk spices interior tips House Design 23 September 2023
shelf antique

Shelf decor trends evolve over time, and what was popular in the past may not be as favored today.  WHile it's still up to you and your preferences how to decorate your living space, some of these things won't probably benefit your interior a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk decoration tips House Design 28 August 2023

Do you like your shelves open or closed? The choice between open shelves and closed ones depends on various factors, including personal preferences, the style of the space, organization needs, and practical considerations. 

Kate Yakimchuk storage cabinet House Design 2 August 2023