Keep fridge shelves clean: Housekeeping tips

01.11.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

It's always easier to keep your fridge clean than to clean it, because maintenance matters.

Fridge shelves tend to become dirty quickly, so you should use preventive measures to keep them nice and clean.

That's how you can do it.

Use Shelf Liners

Consider placing shelf liners on your fridge shelves. These are thin mats made of plastic or silicone. 

They catch spills and crumbs, making it easy to lift them out and clean. 


You can wipe or wash the liners instead of scrubbing the actual fridge shelves.

Cover Food

When storing food in your fridge, use airtight containers, plastic wrap, or resealable bags. 

This prevents liquids or crumbs from spilling onto the shelves. 

Label your containers with dates to help you remember when you put the food in the fridge.

Wipe Spills Promptly

If something spills or drips inside the fridge, clean it up right away. The longer a spill sits, the more difficult it is to clean. 

Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away the mess, and dry the area to prevent further spills.

Regular Cleaning

Make it a habit to clean your fridge regularly, ideally once a month. To do this, remove the shelves and drawers. 

Wash them with a mixture of mild soapy water and warm water. Dry them thoroughly before putting them back in the fridge. 

This not only keeps your shelves clean but also maintains a fresh, odor-free fridge.

Use Fridge Mats or Placemats

Some people find it helpful to use fridge mats or placemats. These are like small mats or pads that you can easily remove and clean. 

They're available in various materials and patterns and can add an extra layer of protection to your shelves.

Keep Raw Meat Separate

When storing raw meat, it's important to keep it separate from other foods. 

Place it on lower shelves or in a sealed container to prevent any potential drips or cross-contamination.

That's how you can keep a clean and organized fridge with protected shelves, reducing the dirt and spills.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Use Shelf Liners
  2. Cover Food
  3. Wipe Spills Promptly
  4. Regular Cleaning
  5. Use Fridge Mats or Placemats
  6. Keep Raw Meat Separate