Benefits and risks of traveling as a new couple: facts you probably didn’t know

24.06.2024 21:00

Traveling with your partner is not only enjoyable, but also beneficial for your relationship. However, there are some risks.

Benefits of traveling as a couple

Travel is a joint activity that brings people together.

Shared experiences help you understand how compatible you are.

Usually, when traveling, you can easily understand whether you know how to negotiate, whether your ideas about relaxation and entertainment coincide.

According to a study published in the Journal of Travel Research, couples who spent more time together on vacation reported higher levels of shared experiences and post-vacation bonding.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What are the risks when traveling together

Traveling with a partner can be accompanied by quarrels, resentments, and disputes.

This may happen because you are tired of being on holiday together and want to be alone.

It is important to listen to yourself and be alone if you need it for balance.

Disputes and conflicts can also arise due to the inability to find a common solution, discuss problems and make compromises.

Psychologists recommend going on your first trip together after at least a couple of months of dating and close communication.

The better you know your partner, the more predictable the trip will be.

Previously, we talked about how to improve relationships after a quarrel.    

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Benefits of traveling as a couple
  2. What are the risks when traveling together