

Devaluation in a relationship is a downplaying of the significance of events in a partner’s life, as well as feelings, emotions, experiences, reactions and opinions. In addition, belittling the importance of goals, aspirations and dreams.

Diana Dashkevich relationship communication mental health Psychology 21 February 2024

It is an alternative medicine and pseudoscience technique based on the principles of traditional Eastern medicine (acupressure) and Western psychology.

Diana Dashkevich relax mental health health facts Psychology 23 January 2024

Emotions regulate not only the state of the body, but also the behavior of a person as a whole. They are important for optimizing all types of body activity.

Diana Dashkevich health health facts mental health Psychology 23 January 2024

This is the fear of cluster holes (that is, clusters of holes). Clusters of small holes in organic objects, such as lotus fruits or bubbles in dough, can cause tremors, itchy skin, nausea and a general feeling of discomfort.

Diana Dashkevich fears mental health fun facts psychologist tips Psychology 15 January 2024

When falling in love, lots of people feel like they lack appetite - they physically can't eat anything. While not everyone experiences this effect, it's interesting to know the mechanism of how it works.

Kate Yakimchuk appetite in love food emotional eating Cooking 3 January 2024

Passive aggression is an attempt to express negative emotions without talking about them openly. This is a pattern of behavior in which a person shows anger indirectly - for example, by loudly slamming a door, using veiled insults or deliberate neglect.

Diana Dashkevich mental health communication psychologist tips Psychology 29 December 2023

While animals might not be as intelligent as humans, it doesn't mean they aren't emotional! Animals don't experience emotions just like humans do, but some of their feelings and reactions can be quite human-like.

Kate Yakimchuk pets nature cognition pets facts Animals 19 December 2023

Our friends are supposed to be on our side - they are people who are expected to be glad when something good happens to us. In real life, friends can sometimes be jealous of your success, so they can act differently or even sabotage you.

Kate Yakimchuk jealousy mental health communication psychologist tips Psychology 17 December 2023

You can often hear that you shouldn't regret anything - this approach helps lots of people to feel better about themselves and move on. Meanwhile, regrets can also be quite beneficial in some situations, so you shouldn't always try to get rid of that feeling.

Kate Yakimchuk regret mental health self-consciousness feelings Psychology 17 December 2023

Aggression is often seen as a bad thing, leading to problems like fighting and violence. But aggression is a natural behavior found in many animals, including humans. It can be important for survival.

Kate Yakimchuk aggression anger management research science Psychology 13 December 2023

The amygdala responds to threat signals coming from the outside world, so, according to nature's design, anger is needed for this very purpose - it is an emotion-weapon.

Diana Dashkevich mental health anger psychologist tips Psychology 12 December 2023

This is a combination of anxious and avoidant styles. This combination is also called disorganized attachment.

Diana Dashkevich relationship communication mental health Psychology 5 December 2023

Most kids are taught to be resilient and stoic, and lots of boys are also taught that it's not manly to cry. Meanwhile, science and psychology claim that suppressing your emotions can lead to lots of mental and even physical damage.

Kate Yakimchuk feelings suppressing emotions resilience mental health Psychology 28 November 2023

Breakups can basically destroy you, but if you don't have time or opportunity to reflect on your emotions, then you can suppress them. Meanwhile, suppression your emotions and feelings, especially the tough ones, isn't a great thing for your mental health.

Kate Yakimchuk relationship breakup feelings love Psychology 25 November 2023

About 10% of the general population have significant levels of alexithymia, meaning this personality trait interferes with their daily lives, making work and social relationships difficult.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 17 November 2023

A feeling is a complex and constant emotional experience of a person, relatively stable and long-lasting. Feeling includes a wide range of emotions. Experiences of feelings are unique to people and are socially conditioned.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 8 November 2023

Impulsivity is the tendency to act on the first impulse, under the influence of momentary stimuli, emotions, drives, without thinking about one’s actions or weighing alternative courses of action (especially those involving delayed reward).

Diana Dashkevich mental health character facts Psychology 7 November 2023

Just like humans, some animals can be jealous, and you can recognize that emotion from their reaction. While we can't know whether they feel it the same way as humans do, we can see their genuine feelings sometimes.

Kate Yakimchuk pets jealousy personality Animals 1 November 2023

Of course, dogs don't smile just as humans do - it's just our perception that makes their habits more human-like. But some dogs still smile a lot, and they definitely do it on purpose - but why?

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets Animals 19 October 2023