Последние новости за 3 ноября 2023 года


Modern people don't iron their clothes too often - they simply don't always have time for it. Therefore, it's easier to store your clothes properly, so they won't get any wrinkles.

Kate Yakimchuk clothes hangers wrinkles storage Helpful tips

Interior design has evolved to be just as important as the functionality of a space.  It's not merely about arranging furniture for practical use; it's about creating an environment that is aesthetically pleasing, comfortable, and reflective of one's personal style.

Kate Yakimchuk interior design functionality creativity House Design
Стиральная машина

Можно постирать пуховки дома, если знать основные правила стирки, сушки и подготовки.

Игорь Зур стирка одежда советы Дарья Домрачева пуховики Минск

Сегодня православная церковь чтит память преподобного Илариона Великого и Илариона Псковоезерского. 

Дмитрий Лискович приметы ноябрь осень Минск
lawn mower

If your lawn is small, then a small lawn mower will be enough for you to keep it nice and well-groomed. Smaller gadgets tend to be cheaper, but they can be as effective as big ones, so it's a great solution for most people.

Kate Yakimchuk lawn mower choosing gardening Garden

If you want your food to last for a long time, then you can freeze it - and it also works with liquid food! Soups can be perfectly freezed to last for weeks or even months - you just need to do it correctly.

Kate Yakimchuk soup freezing storage Cooking

Один простой и дешевый рецепт, который поможет сделать кухонные полотенца чистыми и свежими.

Игорь Зур советы стирка хитрости хозяйка соль Минск

Ferrets are social animals who love playing and interacting with others, so lots of people keep multiple ferrets at once. The thing is, these animals need lots of space and toys to be happy, so you have to make a huge aviary for them.

Kate Yakimchuk ferrets aviary pets tips Animals
senior woman

Emerging research highlights the importance of limiting sedentary habits in older adults, aged 60 and above, to reduce the risk of dementia. The study reveals that individuals who spend more than 10 hours per day mostly sitting, like watching TV, working or sitting while driving, have a significantly higher risk of developing dementia.

Kate Yakimchuk research sitting dementia seniors health Psychology

Сегодня пятница, 3 ноября 2023 года. 307-й день года по григорианскому календарю. До окончания года остается 58 дней.

Елена Шимановская Луна календарь церковь история народные приметы Праздники