Последние новости за 15 сентября 2023 года


Существует немало «кошачьих» страхов. Так, наши пушистые четвероногие друзья боятся громких звуков, поездок, резкой смены обстановки.

Курчев Антон кошки питомцы страх поведение советы Домашние животные

Clean windows and mirrors are extremely important for the overall feeling of having a clean house, but unfortunately it's pretty hard to keep them completely spotless. While window cleaning solutions can help you a lot, you can still use them wrong, so you won't achieve that perfect transparent look.

Kate Yakimchuk Windows cleaning mistakes Helpful tips
chair swing

A chair hammock isn't just a garden thing - you can easily find some models that are perfect for houses as well. Meanwhile, they have both good and bad sides, so you should think carefully before buying one.

Kate Yakimchuk furniture swing chairs interior House Design

It is believed that it is best to store pillowcases and duvet covers inside out - this way the linen will retain its bright colors or whiteness longer.

Диана Дашкевич bedding storage lifehacks Helpful tips
cocoa tree

Most people assume that it's extremely hard to grow cocoa trees, but it's not always true - you just need to live in a region with a suitable climate. If you're lucky, then you can start growing your own cocoa beans - and maybe even making your own chocolate!

Kate Yakimchuk cocoa trees gardening plants Garden

Кошелёк считается хорошим подарком, так как ассоциируется с богатством. Однако презент может, согласно приметам, принести несчастье.

Курчев Антон подарок деньги монеты бедность народные приметы Люди и события

The service life of wooden floors in an apartment does not exceed 7-10 years on average. At the end of this period, partial or major repairs are inevitable. Despite treatment with protective compounds, paints and enamels, wood absorbs and loses moisture even under favorable climatic conditions.

Диана Дашкевич floors interior interior tips House Design

We all know that fruits and veggies are healthy - it's a basic information that even children know well. But this diest can be even more beneficial for your health than you think - and a new study shows it well.

Kate Yakimchuk research fruits health Cooking

Находчивые пользователи смартфонов нашли интересное применение этой детали канцелярской принадлежности.

Курчев Антон смартфон устройство зарядка защита хитрости Технологии

Capybaras are extremely popular on the internet these days - they are funny, chilly, and seem to have no enemies in nature. But even though they are so friendly and charming, they are not exactly perfect pets for most people.

Kate Yakimchuk pets capybaras rodent advices Animals

Without a window, the bathroom is obviously more difficult to ventilate. However, this is the main condition to renew the air in the room and not allow humidity to stagnate.

Диана Дашкевич bathroom cleaning tips lifehacks Helpful tips
shy man

Have you ever heard of different types of attachment that people can have? If you haven't, then you should probably learn about the anxious-avoidant attachment type - it can help you see lots of people and their relationships differently.

Kate Yakimchuk attachment anxiety avoidance relationship personality Psychology

Правильная критика помогает человеку увидеть свои ошибки и найти способы их исправления. А вот придирки и несправедливые укоры только мешают.

Курчев Антон ребенок критика воспитание родители советы Дети