Cord-eating rabbits: Make your home bunny-proof

11.09.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Pet rabbits can be extremely cute and fluffy, but they can also cause lots of damage to your items when not supervised.

You can't always control them, but you can make your house bunny-proof - and there are a few things that can help you with that.

Here are a few things you can do to keep your cords safe.

Bunny-proof the area

Try to keep your bunny away from areas with cords. Close doors or use baby gates to block their access.

Try to hide the cords

Cover cords with protective covers made for this purpose. You can find these at pet stores or online. These covers make cords less tempting for your bunny to chew.


Bitter sprays always work

Apply a pet-safe bitter spray to the cords. Bunnies don't like the taste, so this can discourage them from chewing.

Give it chew toys instead

Bunnies love to chew, so give them safe alternatives like rabbit toys or wooden blocks to satisfy their chewing instincts.

Don't leave it alone

When your bunny is out of their enclosure, keep an eye on them. If you see them going for cords, gently redirect their attention to their toys.

Manage your cords

Try to keep cords out of reach or tucked away behind furniture. This makes them less tempting to your bunny.

Secure the enclosures

If your bunny spends time in a playpen or enclosure, make sure there are no cords within their reach.


Bunnies can be amazing animals, but they also need training and supervision.

Keep your items safe and make sure that your pet won't destroy anything around the house!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Bunny-proof the area
  2. Try to hide the cords
  3. Bitter sprays always work
  4. Give it chew toys instead
  5. Don't leave it alone
  6. Manage your cords
  7. Secure the enclosures
  8. Conclusion

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