How to “drive out” all chemistry from a store chicken: every housewife should know

19.03.2022 13:15
Updated: 23.03.2022 15:06

Some say that there are no antibiotics, growth hormones and other chemicals in store-bought chicken.

However, you must admit that poultry, both in taste and in appearance, is different from what we see on the shelves in stores.

In any case, housewives should know how to make store-bought chicken more “safe” for health and tasty.

Before cooking the broth, the chicken should be boiled for 20-30 minutes in salted water.

Then this water must be drained and the broth cooked in another water.

Foto: Pixabay

All harmful substances will stay in the first broth, but there will also be little fat left in the meat.

Therefore, keep in mind that the second broth will no longer be rich.

If you want a richer broth, buy dunghill-fowl.

You can subject the chicken to a more serious processing and cut off the skin.

If there are antibiotics in the chicken, then they will be just in the skin.

Next, you need to soak the chicken in water with a spoonful of vinegar and 3 spoons of salt.

After 3 hours, the chicken must be washed and the dish can be prepared.

If you subject the chicken to such processing, no harmful substances will remain in it.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

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