Cooking hack: how to protect an avocado from browning

03.04.2023 19:57
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

If you don't use a whole avocado right away while cooking, it can darken quickly.

Because of this, the dish may not look as appetizing.

Why does an avocado turn brown after a while?

Brown color does not mean that the fruit has deteriorated or lost its taste. It only spoils the appearance.

Avocados darken due to enzymes in the formula that trigger a chemical reaction when exposed to oxygen.

How to prevent this process

Since browning occurs under the influence of oxygen, the pulp must be protected. Place the avocado in a plastic bag before putting it in the refrigerator.


Another way is lemon juice. The acid reliably protects the avocado from browning.
Another life hack is to brush the fruit with olive oil. The oil film will create a barrier between the avocado and the air.

To definitely prevent browning of the fruit, use 3 tips at the same time. Spread the olive oil, add the lemon juice, place the avocado in a plastic bag and then refrigerate.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why does an avocado turn brown after a while?
  2. How to prevent this process