

Avocado is an extremely healthy fruit. It is important to know how to clean it easily and correctly.

Diana Dashkevich fruits health health facts healthy food Cooking 21 May 2024

Avocado has a number of benefits for human health. In this article, we will tell you how the fruit is beneficial for your youth.

Diana Dashkevich fruits health health facts skin Cooking 8 May 2024

After enjoying your guacamole, don't discard the seed. Imagine the delight of having your very own avocado supply right at home. It's not only a cost-saver but also a rewarding gardening venture that doesn't require any prior experience. 

Diana Dashkevich fruits gardening gar plants tips Garden 6 May 2024

Avocado is one of the most popular breakfast fruits. In this article, we will tell you whether you can eat avocado every day.

Diana Dashkevich fruits healthy food health health facts Cooking 10 April 2024

Rich in vitamin E, avocado oil has an antioxidant effect. Suitable for preparing various dishes.

Diana Dashkevich oils health healthy food health facts Cooking 10 January 2024

If you love avocados, then you might try growing them at home – they not only taste, but also look amazing! From a pit, you can germinate and grow a plant to keep it as a houseplant, or to transplant it into your garden later.

Kate Yakimchuk planting gardening tips houseplants growing plants Garden 9 January 2024
avocado tree

You can grow an avocado tree as a garden plant or house plant - it's not that hard! The hardest part is usually to germinate the avocado pit, and after that you can just use your regular gardening tips to grow it.

Kate Yakimchuk trees gardening growing tips Garden 11 November 2023
avocado tree

Avocados are amazing fruits that contain plenty of healthy fats - and that's why you should eat them regularly. Meanwhile, they can be pretty expensive - and that's why many people decide to grow them in their gardens.

Kate Yakimchuk trees gardening tips Garden 15 September 2023

Avocados are pretty healthy and also delicious - that's why they belong to many popular modern diets. But even though you can find them at almost any plate of healthy food these days, you shouldn't eat too many of them.

Kate Yakimchuk food calories health Cooking 11 September 2023

Avocado oil rightfully occupies the first place among the oils suitable for frying. It contains a large amount of monounsaturated fatty acids (more than 70%), as well as unsaturated fats (20%) and a minimum percentage of polyunsaturated acids (10%), which are destroyed when exposed to high temperatures.

Diana Dashkevich oils food facts cooking Cooking 1 September 2023

If you want to lose weight, or just stay fit, you shouldn't overeat - but sometimes it happens just because it's easy to underestimate how much you actually eat. Underestimating calorie intake is a common phenomenon that can occur due to various reasons. 

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food healthy diet calories Cooking 17 July 2023

Avocado is a plant that can be grown right at home. The fruit looks beautiful, and the fruits are healthy and tasty.

Diana Dashkevich gardening plants fruits tips Garden 6 June 2023

Avocado is not only tasty, but also a healthy product, which is often included in toasts, guacamole, salads. In the article, we will talk about all the benefits of fruit for the human body.

Diana Dashkevich fruits health food Cooking 4 June 2023

If you don't use a whole avocado right away while cooking, it can darken quickly

Diana Dashkevich lifehacks fruits kitchen hacks Helpful tips 3 April 2023