How to distinguish emotional hunger from ordinary hunger: doctor’s advice

18.02.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Emotional hunger manifests itself as an irresistible craving for food.

A person craves a specific food, taste or texture.

In addition, you may find it difficult to satisfy your hunger with food, which often leads to overeating.

In this case, overeating is not weakness, but only an attempt to feel safe.

How to distinguish emotional hunger from physical hunger

With physical, that is, true hunger, the feeling of hunger comes gradually, and satiety occurs immediately after a full meal.


Emotional hunger means a psychological need either for certain foods or in the process of eating.

How to learn to distinguish hunger from appetite

At the physiological level, true hunger can be distinguished.

Everything that is localized above the diaphragm: emotional experiences, thoughts that it’s time to eat, “memories” of taste buds is appetite, and what is below: sensations in the stomach, weakness in the legs is hunger.

We previously talked about the health benefits of green tea.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

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